Addition Meaning in Hindi

Addition Meaning in Hindi

Addition Meaning in Hindi : Addition का मतलब हिंदी में

What is the meaning of addition in Hindi?

Meaning in Hindi of Addition is:

  • इसके अलावा (Isake alaava),
  • इज़ाफ़ा (Ijafa)
  • जोड़ी हुई वस्तु (Jori Hui Vastu)
  • वृद्धि (Vrddhi),
  • जोड़ (Jod),
  • जोड़ी गई वस्तु (Jori Gayi Vastu)
  • जोड़ने की क्रिया (Jorne Ki Kriya)
  • जोड़ी गई वस्तु (Jori Gai Vastu)
  • उपाधि (Upadhi)
  • परिशिष्ट (Parishisht)
  • योग (Yog)
  • अधिकता (Adhikta)
  • अनुवृद्धि (Anuvruddhi)
  • आधिक्य (Aadhikya)
  • संकलन (Samkalan)

Addition Meaning in Hindi is used differently in different sentences according to the context!

Using the word addition in Hindi is different than in English language because in different sentences different forms are used.

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Addition का हिंदी में अर्थ

Addition का हिंदी में अर्थ क्या होता है?

Addition का हिंदी मतलब है वृद्धि, इसके अलावा, जोड़, |

Addition का अर्थ समझना बड़ा ही आसान है लेकिन ये अलग-अलग वाक्य में अलग-अलग तरह से प्रयुक्त होता है|

इस शब्द को संज्ञा से उपयोग में लाया जाता है

Addition meaning in English

What is the Addition meaning in English?

Addition in English means to add or increase something to something else.

It means to calculate a total of two or more number.

Although casually people use the word addition often in normal conversations.

But the right way to use the perfect form of an addition to make the correct sentence is mentioned in the examples at the end.

Addition ka Hindi Arth

Addition ka Hindi arth kya hota hai?

Addition ka waise to Matlab hai Jod, lekin addition ka Hindi arth alag alag vakye mein alag tarah se hota hai. Meaning of addition in Hindi to ek hi hai lekin iske bahot sare forms hai jo ise English ke shabd se alag banate hain.Jaise kisi sentence mein Vrddhi use hoga ya kisi mein Jod.

Addition in Hindi ko hum udaharan se jayda ache tarike se samajh payenge ke kis jagah kaise prayog krna hain ye shabd.

Translation of Addition in Hindi

Hindi Translation of Addition Is:

  • जोड़ी गई वस्तु (addition)
  • परिवर्धन (addition, amplification, Enlargement)
  • वृद्धि (increase, rise, growth, enlargement, enhancement, addition)
  • जोड़ (joint, sum, addition, summation, join, lockstitch)
  • संयोजन (combination, conjunction, addition, annexation, concatenation)
  • जोड़ने की क्रिया (adding, addition)
  • योग (addition, conjunction, Connection, incantation)

Addition in Hindi translated as Jod(जोड़), Isake Alava (इसके अलावा), Vrddhi(वृद्धि).

If you Google for addition Hindi translation, it will show you वृद्धि. If you try to translate a sentence containing addition to Hindi, it may contain any of the meaning of addition in Hindi.

In both, you will find that addition translate in Hindi is different.

Final words:

We have tried to cover up about Addition Meaning in Hindi. If there are any queries please let us know.

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Manoj Datic