How to Remove Makeup Stains From Clothes and Carpets

Want to but don’t know how to remove makeup stain from clothes and carpets? No matter how much perfect makeup artist you are or how much high level of hand-eye coordination you have, makeup smudges and spills are bound to happen. And when makeup spills occur, they leave stubborn stains on the clothes and carpets, which are quite difficult to deal with.
The spills often lead you to think about how to remove makeup stains from clothes and carpets? Or how to get makeup out of clothes? Here is an article with an amazing solution to help you get makeup off and remove stains from the clothes and carpets.
1. Rubbing Alcohol
Rubbing alcohol, also known as isopropyl alcohol, is one of the best solutions that you can use to get makeup off from clothes and remove the stains. It is widely used to clean different fixtures in the bathroom and kitchen. It is also used as a disinfectant. You can use it to get rid of stubborn makeup stains.
- All you need to do is soak a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol and then rub it over the stubborn makeup stain.
- It is an effective solution to remove lipstick stains as alcohol can easily breakdown waxy and oily stains.
Related : Household Uses of Rubbing Alcohol
2. Makeup Wipe
If you are thinking about how to remove foundation out of clothes, or how to remove makeup from carpet, then give a try to makeup wipe. Yes, you read it right. Makeup wipes not only work on your face but can also help you to get makeup off from your clothes. It is an amazing trick popularly used by makeup artists to remove makeup from their clothes.
You need to remember that this remedy is highly effective for fresh spills that could not set or dry. It is better to conduct spot-testing on fabrics that you think might get water-spot due to the use of makeup wipe for removing makeup. However, on the cotton fabric, it is perfect to use in order to get makeup off.
- So to get rid of makeup stains from your clothes, get a makeup wipe and rub it until the stain is lifted away.
3. Shaving Cream
Do you know shaving cream can be used to remove stains? Yes, you read it right. You can use shaving cream to get makeup off from clothes or carpet.
- Apply one or two squirts of shaving cream on the stain and let it stay for ten minutes.
- During this time, the shaving cream will dissolve the makeup stain.
- After ten minutes, remove the cream and wipe it using cold water. Trust me; it is an effective solution to remove stubborn makeup stains.
4. Hairspray
Are you tired of the tricky lipstick stains? If yes, then give a try to the hair spray. Yes, hairspray can really help you to remove the lipstick stains.
- All you have to do is apply hairspray on the lipstick stain and then let it stay until it dries.
- After drying, remove it using a wet wipe.
Keep in mind that this remedy will only work if the hair spray contains alcohol. If the hair spray is free of alcohol, then it will not remove the stain.
5. Blow Dryer
If you use any loose powder on your face, then you actually know how daunting it is to remove the spilled loose powder from the clothes. And if the loose powder is spilled on dark fabric, then it can be really frustrating. If you try to remove this spill, then it can make the powder more noticeable on the clothes and can increase the stain. So how to get rid of it. A blow dryer is the solution.
- Grab a blow dryer and blow the powder off from the fabric, and it’s done.
- This is the most effective and easiest way to remove loose powder from clothes.
6. Ice
Another effective way to get makeup stains off is ice. Apply ice cubes on the makeup stain to remove it. Avoid using hot water as it can spread the stain. Whenever you are trying to remove a small makeup stain, avoid using hot water as it can worsen the stain and spread it.
- All you need to do is grab an ice cube, rub it on the stain.
- Use ice and cold water to lift the stain.
7. Soap and Water
If all you have is water and soap, then you can use it to get rid of the makeup stain. Just make sure not to use a napkin or paper towel. It is a better solution to get rid of stubborn stains.
- Instead of using a napkin, dab cold water on the makeup stain and then apply a little bit of soap.
- Then rub the cloth against itself.
- The friction generated will help in lifting the stain.
Avoid using paper products as they can flake off and make the fabric smeared with white bits, which in turn would worsen the stains.
8. Detergent Wipes
You can also use a detergent pen or detergent wipes for treating makeup stains. Before using the detergent wipe or pen, make sure to remove the excess gunk from the fabric. It will help in attaining the best results. Detergent pens are easy to use and are reusable. They are safe to use on most fabrics. You can also use it on fabric labeled “dry clean only.” In a similar way, you can also use detergent wipes. They do not work like detergent pens. They are soaked in the stain removing solution.
Detergent Pen
- When you press the tip of the detergent pen, the detergent will come out and then rub the tip against the stain until it begins to come off.
- After that, wipe off the extra solution.
Detergent Wipes
- In order to use detergent wipes, you need to wipe the stain using the wipe.
- If you need an effective solution for how to remove liquid foundation from clothes, then detergent wipes are perfect.
You can also use the above-mentioned solutions to remove stains from upholstery fabric. In order to remove stains from vintage or silk fabric, it is better to consult a professional cleaner.
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